Archive for August, 2022

Aug 23 2022

View from the Podium

Published by under Food,Jen,Sarah

Jen retained her marmalade crown at the 176th Dutchess County Fair. Her peach-lemon marmalade is loved by all. Sarah, debuting in the 18-and-older category, crocheted her way to glory with this beautiful blanket. I eked out the bronze in sweet pickles.

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Aug 20 2022

Packing for College

Published by under Sarah,Vehicles

Sarah, who benefits from a Montessori education as well as a preternatural grasp of spatial relations inherited from her mother’s side of the family, neatly packs the family car to head off to Colgate this afternoon. A+ work here.

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Aug 19 2022

Annual Visitors

Published by under Dogs

John Harris has visited each summer for at least the last decade, although this year was the first time he didn’t bring his sons Will and Ben. And Daisy was a bit disappointed that he didn’t bring his yellow lab, Milo. On Wednesday John and I crossed the river to climb Mount Tremper, a classic […]

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