Archive for the 'Sarah' Category

Aug 11 2024

Cross Training

Published by under Birds,Jen,Sarah

Sarah rode both bicycle and horse this weekend. Jen took a short break from jam-making to see what the birds were up to in Vlei Marsh.

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Aug 04 2024

Summer Visitors

Published by under Dogs,Food,Jen,Sarah

The kitchen was abuzz for our weekend visitors, Julie, Stacey, and babysitter-for-life Lauren Ballback. Between meals, Jen managed to put up quite a few jars of marmalade. Stacey lent her customary good cheer. Lauren stopped overnight on her drive from Virginia to Maine. While here, she and Sarah made approximately 30,000 calories worth of granola. […]

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May 27 2024


Published by under Flowers,Sarah

It would have been more topical on this Memorial Day to post a picture of the poppies blooming outside the mud room door, but here instead are the peonies in the front yard, all coming in at once. Sadly, the Memorial Day parade was canceled due to inclement weather — which turned out to be, […]

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Jan 20 2024

January Errands

Published by under Jen,Sarah

It must be getting close to Sarah’s birthday …

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Nov 27 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

Published by under Food,House,Jen,Sarah

We had a mostly happy Thanksgiving, although we were very sorry not to have Julie and Stacey with us. They stayed home out of concern for Rinda’s health. It was wonderful to have Sarah back with us for the week. She was in high spirits throughout. Lew was in good form, tucking into a Thanksgiving […]

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Jul 23 2023

Friendly Visit

Published by under Birds,Dogs,Jen,Sarah

This weekend we had a visit from babysitter emeritus Lauren Ballback, who stopped with her dog Hamilton on her way from Brooklyn to Maine. Jen gave Lauren a tour of the secret garden, which is looking quite spiffy these days. It was great to see Lauren with Sarah again. Daisy also enjoyed visiting with Hamilton. […]

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Jul 02 2023


Published by under Dogs,Jen,Sarah

We braved the smoke from Canadian wildfires to attend a barbecue at the Kaimal/Lawson’s Friday night. The Ostroys and the Perkins also attended, and everyone brought their daughters and dogs. It was nice to see the collegiate set assembled, and all the dogs behaved tolerably well. Daisy knocked over a couple of items (a soda […]

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May 21 2023


Sarah’s horse for the summer, Sully (formally known as Lanchello), a Dutch gelding, arrived at Southlands Friday morning after an overnight drive from Georgia. By Saturday, Sully had acclimated enough to be ridden. He seems like a fine fellow. In unrelated news, Jen’s secret garden has awakened for spring, with blooms including this fancy Blue […]

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May 14 2023

Mother’s Day 2023

Published by under Food,Jen,Sarah

Jen enjoyed her customary Mother’s Day breakfast in bed, including an asparagus and wild scallion omelet (also known as the Lawn & Garden omelet). Of course, having Sarah back home is the best gift of all.

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Jan 01 2023

New Year’s Eve 2022

Published by under Food,Jen,Sarah

We celebrated the new year in the Kaimal/Lawson’s kitchen. Clockwise are Maya, Jen, Sarah R., Anna, Lucy, Guy, Sophie, and Sarah P. For dinner, Maya made two kormas from her new cookbook, to be published this spring, and we contributed Hopping John. The girls reminisced about the Rhinebeck Fireballs’ epic, Miracle on Ice-caliber victory over […]

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