Archive for November, 2010

Nov 28 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Published by under Animals,Food,Sarah

Sarah made beautiful placecards for Thanksgiving. Even though we were sad not have Grandma with us, we had much to be thankful for, including a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. For dessert, we had hickory nut pie (among other pies). It was an exhausting affair. The indefatigable Sarah, however, got everyone to play Monopoly, every day. She […]

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Nov 21 2010

Thanksgiving Preparations

Published by under Birds,Food,Sarah

Sarah spent a busy weekend preparing for Thanksgiving, although she did take a little time out to complete her piano homework. Not everyone is excited about Thanksgiving.

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Nov 14 2010

Planting Bulbs

Sarah and Jen are already thinking ahead to next spring, planting bulbs that they got from Aunt Julie’s chorus fundraiser. Here is a red-bellied woodpecker, which spent most of the day at the feeder. And below, some of our last remaining leaves.

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Nov 07 2010

Bill in Autumn

Published by under Trees

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