Archive for June, 2011

Jun 27 2011

Mending Fences

Work continues apace at the farm, as we (or, more specifically, Chuck Kelsoe and his nephew) dismantled the fence, which we are replacing.  Del Wolcott told me he that built this fence from locust trees that he cleared to build the house on the hill on the other side of what is now Wolcott drive, […]

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Jun 19 2011

Last Game

Published by under Sarah

Sarah had her last softball game of the season on Saturday, although a scrimmage is planned for next Saturday to make up for what her coach describes as the between one and 800 rainouts this year. Sarah got a hit in her first at-bat, and ran hard to first.  She later would score. After the game, the […]

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Jun 14 2011

Gone Fishing

Published by under Sarah

We were at the farm this past weekend only long enough to do some packing and break the rotary mower.  On Saturday morning we decamped to Highland Lake, in Winsted, Connecticut, to celebrate Rinda Burleigh’s 70th birthday.  Here, Sarah gambols with Aunt Erica.

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Jun 05 2011

On the Run

I was not a friend to the deer this weekend, having spent hours and hours mowing acres and acres of the high grass in which they like to make their beds.  I was, however, a Hero of the Barn Swallows: they love it when someone mows because it turns into a feast.  They swoop around […]

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Jun 02 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Published by under Flowers,Sarah

The grass is rising high and the fences are sinking low at the farm these days. This weekend, we celebrated Memorial Day.  Rhinebeck has a real small-town parade, which Sarah was eligible to march in by virtue of her membership on the softball team. All people in uniform are welcome. Sarah was thrilled to have […]

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